Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend Getaway - Destin FL

This past January Alan and I drove down to Destin Florida, which is on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  It was the most perfect weekend away, just the two of us!  The drive was maybe 6 hours or so - it is always fun to drive somewhere new and see some different sites/states (Florida, Alabama).

A little scary, I know!  Alan just wouldn't cooperate on taking a picture.  He kept looking away, closing his eyes, or making faces - so this was me returning my feelings about him being...well...HIM!
Finally, I snapped a decent picture of the two of us!
We rented bikes to ride to the beach instead of driving and walking.  The company drops them off at the hotel and then picks them up from the bike rack.  Neither of us had ridden a bike in years so we were both (me mostly - see below) a little wobbly.  It was probably my most favorite and memorable part of the trip!  I couldn't stop giggling because I was having such a good time!  Plus they were old style bikes and obviously for tourists!!

San Destin beach was the most beautiful beach I have ever seen.  The water was so clear and blue!  Freezing of course, it being January and all, but was so nice to walk in.  And the sand was so white and fine, it felt wonderful. 

Isn't this an amazing sea creature we built, sculpted?  I couldn't resist taking a picture because it must have taken such patience and a lot of time.  Yeah, we didn't make it, but pretty cool none-the-less.
We played a little in the sand, watched and listened to the waves for a while, and walked the beach looking for sea shells for the kids.  We did not have anything to sit on or any sunscreen - that's us, never totally prepared, just WILD and FREE!

I had to get a picture of the pretty palm trees.  It was so green and beachy looking!  Loved every bit of this trip!  Alan and I didn't even argue - well, except who the best bike rider was of course! :)

Here's a little video of me being...well...ME!!
Can't see much, we are just sitting on a swing while visiting a little pirate island in Destin.  Which we road our bikes to!!