Saturday, July 31, 2010

Porter is THREE!

Happy Birthday to Porter! He's three and he's potty trained. Yay! I just can't be any happier about it! For quite a few months now Porter has been obsessed with "WORKERS". While driving in the car it is almost all he can talk about. When he grows up he is going to be a "big, strong worker". We have to roll down the windows to wave and say hi as we pass. We have to walk over and watch while the "workers" are doing there construction work. And then we have to watch a little longer, and then a little longer, until I can't stand there looking stupified anymore! He just loves everything and anything about "workers", especially the big trucks and tractors! So there really wasn't anything else I could choose for a birthday theme. "Construction" just fit perfect! Here is our front door, greeting our party guests!Everyone got their very own hard hat and got to play in the sand! This was a big hit, and an even bigger mess! But overall it was worth it!Porters dump truck birthday cake. This was so easy and fun! I just cut the cake to fit and then layered it a bit, covered it with frosting and crushed up oreos to give it the look of dirt. FUN!!Porter, and everyone else, opening his birthday presents! The kids were so excited they just couldn't keep from helping! It was so cute! Porter really didn't mind much at all. What a good sport. He got lots of fun things, from tractors, puzzles, lightening mcqueen, a vacuum, and so much more. We are grateful to all of our friends for coming! It was a full house (maybe a little too full depending on how you look at it), but I just wanted everyone we care about to be there.The "workers" way of opening that pinata! I bought it and later realized that I really had no place to hang it, so I improvised. It worked just fine, as long as the kids got their candy!


Lisa said...

Looks like fun!! Cute Theme!! They are getting so big. Kalin's hair has grown a lot too. Tell them hello from us..

Love The Tubbs

Lisa said...

It was so much fun! It's both a blessing and a curse to have so many friends lol. It's awesome to be with everyone but hard to figure out where to put them all! I thought you did an awesome job Kyli!

Stephanie said...

I love it. I think Porter had a great time too. Everyone looooved the sand boxes and the cake was soo good I had two pieces. Best birthday party I've been to in a loooong time!

Kari said...

So cute! What a perfect theme for Porter. I am so sorry I didn't call him on his birthday...I completely forgot with everything that's been going on here. I have been an awful sister and I am sorry! I really will call you back, soon! I love you and all that you do! XOXOXO

Oh, I almost forgot...I went to a concert last night for the Nashville Tribute Band and they had T-shirts that said "What would Porter do?" meaning Porter Rockwell. I thought of you guys and thought it would be funny for you and Alan to have one...hehehe! I know I am a dork! ;)