Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"I'm a Big Boy now!"

Remember that little ditty? I think it's from some diaper/pull-ups commercial, not really sure. The origin isn't that important anyway! It's what I think of Porter when I realize how easy-breazy it's been to potty-train him this past week. He really has been a breath-of-fresh-air to me! He began it all with just two accidents the first day (wasn't really sure if this was simply luck because he wanted to sit on the potty all the time, or if he was understanding the sensation of needing to go). Actually, I'm pretty sure it was luck for the first couple of days! And don't get me wrong, I definitely had my moments of impatience and frustration and did even throw away one pair of undies (I wasn't gonna even touch that one!). One of the toughest parts of the whole thing, was not calling them panties! Because I have Kalin who is potty trained I kept catching myself saying, "now pull up your panties" or "go get some clean panties"! Poor kid wasn't quite sure what to call them! I think I even heard Alan tell Kalin to put her undies back on! Oh, the confusion! It really has been a blessing to me and I am so pleased with how grown up Porter has been with this. On the other hand, I miss my baby boy (just a bit). I feel like the whole thing gives me a calm feeling that parenting is going to be okay. As hard as it is for me, and in spite of my weakness, it is going to be okay. (Deep breath)...


The Cannon Family said...

No more diapers! Wahoooo!!! Throw a party for yourself!!! What a good day :o)

Lisa said...

now i am sending dallin over to you because i flat out suck at potty training! Congrats to both of you!

Kari said...

yea, it's all done! Way to go Porter. Thanks again for the card and $$ for Luke. He picked out a bird house and bird seed. I will send you a picture of it out in our yard! Love you!

Lisa said...

That is great!!! My experience with Braden was horrible!! You are a great mom. You are too hard on yourself. Tell the kids hi from us..

Love Lisa