Easter was pretty simple this year. Saturday we had a small easter egg hunt outside with Kalin and Porter. It was fun to have our backyard to be able to do that. Then we colored eggs - Porter didn't feel well, that's why he looks so grumpy in the picture! That night Porter complained of a stomach ache and later threw up all over my bed...he and Alan stayed home from church. Sunday night was Kalins turn, throwing up a few times during the night. Morning came, early morning (2 am) and Alan started (every hour almost all the next day). He couldn't eat or even keep any water down, didn't get out of bed because his body hurt, it was awful - I wanted to help but couldn't do anything. Tuesday he started to feel better when I started to feel sick that night. My back hurt so much I slept with the heating pad and the next day I just felt awful. No throwing up for me, thank you, but I still felt terrible and nausious. Well, enough of that, I probably could have just said that we were all sick for Easter! :) At least the kids did enjoy some candy and a few things from the Easter bunny. Chris and Alan also gave them Easter baskets (those pre-packaged ones in the picture). They were both so tickled!!
They are so cute and getting big!! Sorry to hear you were all sick. That is not fun!
You have got such a cute little family!
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