Thursday, January 13, 2011

There is no place like HOME

Especially when you are sick at Christmastime. Although we would have love to be with family this past Christmas, it was nice to be home. I had the flu and bad cold, Kalin had the cold, and Porter had a cold and strep throat. It was nice to be home and just rest! A little bit of a bummer, but at least we didn't have obligations. Here are some Christmas photos:

My First Christmas wreath! I made it too! It was fun to learn how, and I get to make another one next year.
It even snowed Christmas day! Can you see out the window?

A couple of the pictures Kalin drew for our neighbor, Cicely. Kalin is quite the artist!


Lisa said...

Kyli, we are too alike in some fashion ways. I bought braden some Paul Frank pjs too. I love PF stuff :)

Marilyn said...

Looks like Santa found your house also. Kalin did some great art work for your neighbor. I'm sure she enjoyed it. I'll bet Porter is pretty fast on his bike. Just like his Dad?

Love you, Mom